"In the world of local kid's entertainment, there is no bigger name than The Great Zucchini! You're like a phenomenon ... all the parents know you!"
- Tony Perkins, Fox 5 News
- Tony Perkins, Fox 5 News
"The Great Zucchini is instantly likeable, and effortlessly charming."
- Gene Weingarten, The Washington Post
- Gene Weingarten, The Washington Post
The Great Zucchini has been entertaining young children as a magician and preschool teacher. He performs his hands-on, interactive magic shows for more that 400 groups a year. His experience, coupled with his gentle nature and wacky facial expressions, makes kids immediately feel comfortable and ready to laugh. He will have you laughing at the gags he does to entertain toddlers. We each have different styles, but it does come down to keeping the kids attention and keeping control. If you EVER entertain children, this is a lecture you will want to attend. There is a lot to be learned from studying Eric's approach to entertaining young children. The lecture is free to paid-up Ring 50 members, all other magicians $15 at the door.