Thursday, September 06, 2007

Steve Hart Gives ‘Hart Attack’ Lecture to Ring 50

There were 65 attendees at Steve Hart's lecture on September 5th. Steve started talking and immediately hooked the audience with ways to inspire by thinking about magic. Then he showed a few items he had modified and others he had invented outright and he got everyone thinking so much they started taking notes. His magic lecture titled, "Hart Attacks" has been a favorite among many magical events and is not only educational but also fun and entertaining.

His lecture was not just card and coin tricks. The “Hart Attacks” lecture was a collection of close-up and standup magic with a comical slant. Included were effects such as the Jardine/Ellis ring routine, Jumbo Comedy Card routine, Poorman’s Bottle Vanish, Headless Rubber Chicken, Thumb tip Blendo routine, warm and fuzzy Sponge Ball routine, and more. He demonstrated how, for a few pennies, to make a vanishing bottle from everyday materials. Steve revealed the secrets to several of the effects he created.

In his younger days he performed straight stand up magic. But the audience seemed to enjoy his some of his comedy routines more. This led him to become a comedy magician. Steve says while you are performing, “listen to your audience to determine your persona.” Steve says, “Magic is very effective if performed with the element of surprise.” People will be impressed and remember when you do magic in their hands.

IBM National Capital Ring 50 Gets New Members

At the September 5th meeting two new members were voted into IBM Ring 50. The new members are: Danny Selnick from Alexandria VA. Danny attended the School of Magic Arts in Bogotá Colombia. Jeff Dionise from Manassas VA. Jeff was a semi-pro performing in nightclubs in the 80s. Todd Eisenstadt has received his membership from IBM and will be voted upon for membership in Ring 50 at the next meeting. Others with pending IBM and Ring 50 memberships are: Michael Wolfson, Donna Audi, and Teresito Malicse.

Wednesday November 7th – New members Perform

The November meeting will include performances by our new members that have joined Ring 50 since September 2006.

Magi-Whirl 2008 – March 28 & 29, 2008

Magi-Whirl 2008 is moving right along with contracts completed for Kenrick ‘ICE’ McDonald, Aldo & Rachel Colombini, Eric Jones, Richard Kaufman, Noland Montgomery, and Rich Bloch as lectures and/or performers. We will have 10 dealers and so far we have a confirmation from Wild Colombini Magic – Aldo & Rachel Colombini, Sorcery with Class – Scott Correll, Guaranteed Magic – Bob Little, E-mmaculate Deceptions - Eric Jones, and Magic Goods – Pravin Ponnuri to participate as a dealers. More updates to follow on our website:
~ ~ Bob Patterson

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